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Without the cast of characters, if then else would just be a plot moving through various partially-drawn sceneries. Everyone involved in the comic has been categorized below based on their status (main or supporting character) or their dimension (dimensia, Federated Guild of Superheroes, The Guardian's Realm). Some have yet to be completed, so the details have been omitted for the time being. What, you expected spoilers? Insights on the characters, maybe, but no spoilers. |
Beatrice Anagree | Lauren Cartwright | Sarah Conner | Enshi / Alex | Scott Harbor | Robert Hertz | Tokashi Jinei | Lyn | Todd Mallory | Robnob |
Josh Anagree | Sarah Conner (resistance) | Paul Gibson | Scott Harbor (resistance) | Harlan | Mia Jinei | Professor Sean Mallory | Mira | Nate the Snake | Jim North | "Unknown Girl" |
Celeste | Cila | Enshi | Panin | Xam |
Federated Guild of Superheroes
The Anonymous Unknown | Aura | Chamois Cloth Man | Flashdance | Limax | Pik | Super Visor | Sylph | Unitzoid | Wednesday |
The Guardian | Alpha | The Drones |Lyn #1 | Lyn #2 | "Red Robot" |
All content on this website (minus the advertisements) is copyright © 2002-2009 by Fading Aura. All rights reserved. Do not steal, reproduce or spontaneously combust this work without permission from the cartoonist. if then else is hosted on Comic Genesis, a free hosting and automation service for webcomics.