Above is an advertisement. It pays the bills, but please click with caution.
Calendar Index
Go here to visit a comic from a specific date. (Note: This page may take a few moments to load as it compiles the index dynamically.)
Storyline Index
Catch up on the past antics play-by-play here. A brief spoiler-free synopsis is provided with each storyline link.
The Guide
if then else has been running for well over 1000 comics, which can be a lot to digest in one sitting. This guide provides all relevant events to present. (Note: The guide is definitely not spoiler-free. You have been warned.)
The Maneater Comics
Dive deep into the comic's past and discover the few comics that slipped through the cracks to the college crowd.
April Fool's Day
Since its conception, if then else has celebrated April Fool's Day. Some of the following links may require you to use your browser's "back" button to return. Links within the April Fool's pages may not work. Not for the faint of heart or dyslexic. Take as directed. Consult a doctor before ingesting past archived comic events.
2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007
Online Comics Day
Every Cinco de Mayo the online comic community celebrates . . . themselves. Narcissistic? Probably, but it does raise awareness of the online comic genre. C'mon - hug your favorite online cartoonist on this and every other day.
2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007
Talk Like a Pirate Day
Ahoy ye scurvy sea scum! Be ye a bilge rat or be ye a land lubber lookin' to imitate th' pirate way o' life?
2005 | 2006
All content on this website (minus the advertisements) is copyright © 2002-2009 by Fading Aura. All rights reserved. Do not steal, reproduce or spontaneously combust this work without permission from the cartoonist. if then else is hosted on Comic Genesis, a free hosting and automation service for webcomics.